Welcome to Lomzemsoft Co., Ltd Privacy

About Us

Lomzemsoft Co., Ltd is dedicated to providing innovative gaming experiences while prioritizing user privacy and data protection.

Our mission is to create immersive gaming environments where players can enjoy themselves without worrying about their personal information.

Privacy Policy

At Lomzemsoft, we collect various types of data to enhance your gaming experience:

  • Account information (username, email)
  • Gameplay data (progress, achievements)
  • Communication logs (in-game chats)

This data is used to personalize your gaming experience, provide recommendations, and ensure fair play. We do not share your data with third parties without your consent.

Your rights regarding your data include access, correction, and deletion. We store your data securely and have measures in place to protect it from unauthorized access.

If you have any questions or concerns about your privacy, please contact us at privacy@lomzemsoft.com.

Terms of Service for Gaming

By accessing or using our gaming services, you agree to the following terms:

  • Respect other players and their privacy.
  • Do not engage in cheating or exploiting bugs.
  • Abide by our rules regarding in-game purchases and content.

Violations of these terms may result in consequences, including account suspension or termination.